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The applicant authorizes, agrees and unambiguously consents to the transmission by the National Professional Credentialing Association (NPCA) of any personal data information related to legitimate credentialing purposes with the National Professional Credentialing Association (NPCA) affiliate boards. This authorization and consent are freely given by the applicant.
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I have read the Current HRS Ethics Code as listed on the National Professional Credentialing Association (NPCA) web site, and agree to abide by this code. In the event of an investigation all findings will be shared with the appropriate affiliate NPCA Boards.
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I hereby certify all of the information given herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also authorize any relevant investigations, or the release of personal information to the National Professional Credentialing Association (NPCA), its agents, or contractors pursuant to this application/renewal procedure. I understand falsification of any portion of this application/renewal will result in my being denied credentialing, or revocation of same upon discovery. I further agree to hold the National Professional Credentialing Association (NPCA) and its Board Members, officers, agents, staff, peer evaluators and examiners, free from any civil liability for damages or complaints by reason of any action that is within the scope and arise out of the performance of their duties which they, or any of them, may take in connection with this application/renewal, any examination, the grades with respect to any examination, and/or the failure of the NPCA to issue me said credential or renewal. This Authorization and Release shall also apply to personal information requested by the Board at any time following credentialing in connection with any investigation concerning allegations that could lead to disciplinary action against me.